
Mel is the ancient language used by the Mayans to talk to the god's before they started to read the will of the gods by playing with snakes


  • Single line comment with //.

  • Multi line comment /**/

  • End every statement with a ;.


  • Commands are like command-line utilities in a UNIX shell.

  • Run a command with command [-flag value]. Each command has it's own number of flags (or commandline parameters).

  • To get help about a command use the help command. Ex help sphere will print information on the command sphere.

  • The same command is often able to both create, edit and query information.

    • The default is create mode. Ex sphere DaSphere

    • Use flag -query to get values. ex sphere -query -radius DaSphere

    • Use flag -edit to edit values. ex sphere -edit -radius 3 DaSphere

  • To get the return value of a command enclose it in backquotes. Ex $pos = `sphere -q -s DaSphere`


  • Define a variable with a $ and a name. ex float $earthsize = 100

  • Supported types are int, float, string, vector and matrix

  • If no value is assigned it get the default one for the type.

  • A bool is stored in a int. 0 is false (no and off) , other values true (yes or on).

  • Logical operators is: || (or), && (and), ! (not).

  • Compare operators is: <, <=, >, >=, == and !=.


  • Merge strings with the + symbol.

  • Get the length of a string with size. ex size($saymyname).

  • Escape special characters with \.


  • A vector is variable that contain three floating point numbers called x,y and z.

  • Assign a vector with values in <<>>. ex vector $p = <<10,20,30>>

  • Access each element as x,y,z inside a (). ex move -absolute ($p.x) ($p.y) ($p.z)

  • To assign a vector element create a new one and assign. ex $p = <<($p.x), ($p.y), 40>>

  • * operator acts as dot product for vectors.

  • ^ operator is cross product operator for vectors. Use pow command for exponent of numbers.


    • A matrix is a table of floating point numbers.

    • To create a matrix use the matrix type follow by the number of rows and columns. Ex matrix $m[3][4];

    • Assign a matrix by using <<>> separated by commas in each row. matrix $m[2][2] = <<1,2;3,4>>

    • Assign a element in the matrix with $m[1][2] = 5;


if ($a == $b) {



else if(($a == $c) {



else {



switch ($form) {

case "circle":



case "cone":







while ($a < size($array)) {



do {

} while($a < 100)

for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {

if ($i == 5) continue;



string $array[3] = {"circle","sphere", "cone"};

for ($k in $array) {




Mel Command Reference - 2017