Gameplay Ability

I have no ability to explain this

The Gameplay Abilities is a plugin to handle gameplay mechanics in C++ or Blueprints. It also handles the replication.


    • To use the Gameplay Ability System attach the AbilitySystemComponent to any actor that implements the IAbilitySystemInterface.

    • Easy way is to CreateDefaultSubObject<UAbilitySystemComponent>(TEXT("AbilitySystem"));

    • The Component will activate abilities, store attributes, update effects, and handle interactions between actors.

    • GiveAbility

    • For pawns after possession call AbilitySystem->InitAbilityActorInfo().

      • Owner - The actor responsible for the abilitysystem.

      • Avatar- The actor through witch the ability system use abilities from.

      • RefreshAbilityActorInfo, BindAbilityActivationToInputComponent


    • The float values of an actors game state.

    • Each FGameplayAttribue is described with UPROPERTY.

    • Functions to supervise any attemts to modify them, they are modified using GameplayEffects.

      • PreAttributeBaseChange / PreAttributeChange - Use to clamp values.

      • PreGameplayEffectExecute - Use to trigger actions from attribute change.

      • PostGameplayEffectExecute - Use to modify or discard the values passed into an effect execution.

    • AttributeSet needs to register with the ability system component. Set it as a subobject of the component owning actor or use the components GetOrCreateAttributeSubobject.

    • Use AbilitySystem::InitStats to init with a datatable.


    • The 'bool' flags of a actors game state.

    • RegisterGamePlayTagEvent

GameplayEffects (GE_)

    • Implemented as data-only Blueprints (of base class UGameplayEffect).

    • Gameplay Effects are designed to be configured purely through variables.

    • 'Buffs' / 'Debuffs'.

    • ApplyGamePlayEffectToTarget, ApplyGameplayEffectoToOwner

    • Have tags

    • Modify attributes.

    • Add/remove tags.

    • Blocked by tags on owner or target.

    • Handle stacking of effects and overflow the stack

    • Trigger events

    • Can be instant, duration or infinite.

      • Instant: Direct changes to the Attribute's base value, like taking away health points from an Actor that has received damage.

      • Infinite: Persistent changes that are applied over time, like regenerating a certain amount of magic points per second over a period of several seconds (or indefinitely).

      • Had Duration: Temporary changes, like granting a boost to movement speed for a few seconds.


GameplayCues (GC_)

Gameplay Abilities (GA_)

    • C++ or Blueprint children of something with GameplayAbility as a ancestor.

      • GameplayAbility - Basic ability.

      • GameplayAbility_Montage - Ability that play a montage.

    • WaitTargetData node at the beginning to allow the player to visualize aiming.

    • Cooldown and cost will be applied when CommitAbility is used.

    • Before an Actor can use an Ability, its Ability System Component must be granted that Ability.

      • GiveAbility

      • GiveAbilityAndActivateOnce

    • Revoke access to an Ability from an Ability System Component,

      • ClearAbility

      • SetRemoveAbilityOnEnd

      • ClearAllAbilities

    • Other

      • CanActivateAbility

    • Use ability

      • CallActivateAbility

      • TryActivateAbility

    • Other 2

      • CommitAbility

      • ActivateAbility

    • Stop Ability

      • CancelAbility

      • CanBeCanceled

      • EndAbility - All path must lead to Endability to clean up.


This section can use tags to cancel abilities, block abilities, set tags and require/block the ability based on the activating, source or target actor/component (*).

    • Cancel Abilities With Tag Abilities with these tags are canceled when this ability is executed.

    • Block Abilities With Tag Abilities with these tags are blocked while this ability is activated.

    • Activation Owned Tags Tags to apply to activating owner while this ability is activated.

    • * Required Tags Ability can only be activated if the * actor/component has all of these tags.

    • * Blocked Tags The activation is blocked if the * actor/component has any of these tags.

Instancing Policy

    • Non-Instanced

    • Instanced per Actor

    • Instanced per Execution


    • Local Predicted - Most players

    • Local Only:

    • Server Initiated

    • Server Only


    • Triggers: Makes it possible to execute the ability when a event is received, when a tag is added or activated/deactivated when a tag is added/removed.

    • Cost gameplay effect class: When the ability is commited this can be used to drain the (mana, stamine, etc) cost of the ability.

    • Colldown gameplay effect class: Applied when the ability is commited. The ability can not be used again until this has expired.



Ability Tasks

    • They perform asynchronous work during a Gameplay Ability's execution, and have the capability to affect execution flow by calling Delegates (in native C++ code) or moving through one or more output execution pins (in Blueprints)

    • Ability Tasks can self-terminate by calling the EndTask function, or it can wait to be terminated automatically when the Gameplay Ability that ran it ends.

Gameplay Events


Unreal Engine 5 - The truth of the Gameplay Ability System