Here are the commands one can use on while recording a command buffer. The buffer need to begin with vkBeginCommandBuffer() first and after all commands are recorded one needs to close it with vkEndCommandBuffer. To submit the command buffer use vkQueueSubmit.
Each command has a small string by it that is my own way of coding the command properties. It tell what command buffer the command can be used on, its relationship to render passes and queue types it can be used at. The format is Command Buffer Levels-Render Pass Scope-Supported Queue types. A command that allows all has the string PS-IO-GCT. Things that are not allowed has an x. Ex Px-Ix-Gxx.
Command Buffer Levels
P : Allowed on primary buffers
S : Allowed on secondary buffers
Render Pass Scope
I : Allowed inside.
O : Allowed outside.
Support Queue types
G : Graphics
C : Compute
T : Transfer
Pseudocode of minimalistic command buffer.
Secondary command buffers
How to run a secondare command buffer - vkCmdExecuteCommands - Px-IO-GCT
Secondary command buffers can only be run fromn a primary command buffer.
vkCmdBeginRenderPass - Px-xO-Gxx
Render passes can only be started and ended in primary command buffers. It must end in the same buffer that started it.
vkCmdNextSubpass - Px-xI-Gxx
Finalizes the previous subpass and moves on to the next. Can only be called in the primary command buffer.
vkCmdEndRenderPass - Px-xO-Gxx
A render pass must begin and end in the same command buffer. When this is called the store op for all all attachments in the render pass is performed, and the attachment images are transitioned to their final layout.
Clear a color image outside a render pass - vkCmdClearColorImage - PS-xO-GCx
Clear depth and stencil outside a render pass - vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage - PS-xO-Gxx
Clear inside a render pass - vkCmdClearAttachments - PS-Ix-Gxx
Bind the pipeline - vkCmdBindPipeline - PS-IO-GCx
Bind index buffer - vkCmdBindIndexBuffer - PS-IO-Gxx
Bind vertex buffer - vkCmdBindVertexBuffers - PS-IO-Gxx
The following commands draw things. For all these commands a graphics pipeline must be bound to the command buffer. What is drawn depends on the pInputAssemblyState settings of the pipeline.
Draw primitives - vkCmdDraw - PS-Ix-Gxx
Draw indexed primitives - vkCmdDrawIndexed - PS-Ix-Gxx
Indirect draw primitives - vkCmdDrawIndirect - PS-Ix-Gxx
Indirect draw indexed primitives - vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect - PS-Ix-Gxx
Syncronize has it's own page.
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets - PS-IO-GCT
vkCmdPushConstants -
All these set commands makes it possible to change a part of the state if the pipeline bound allows it. For the function to be used the pipeline should have the state VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_* enabled. If it is enabled the state will be undefined when the pipeline is bound until the values are set with the function. If the state is disabled it will be set when the pipeline is bound and the function should not be called at all.
Sets the dynamic viewport state - vkCmdSetViewport - PS-IO-Gxx
Sets the dynamic scissor state - vkCmdSetScissor - PS-IO-Gxx
Sets the blend constants - vkCmdSetBlendConstants - PS-IO-Gxx
Sets the depth bias parameters - vkCmdSetDepthBias - PS-IO-Gxx
Set the depth bounds - vkCmdSetDepthBounds - PS-IO-Gxx
Sets the dymamic line width - vkCmdSetLineWidth - PS-IO-Gxx
Sets the mask value for stencil comparison - vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask - PS-IO-Gxx
Sets the reference value for stencil comparisons - vkCmdSetStencilReference - PS-IO-Gxx
Sets the mask value used for stencil writes - vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask - PS-IO-Gxx
Copy from one buffer to another - vkCmdCopyBuffer - PS-xO-GCT
Copy from one image to another - vkCmdCopyImage - PS-xO-GCT
Copy from a buffer to a image - vkCmdCopyBufferToImage - PS-xO-GCT
Copy from a image to a buffer - vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer - PS-xO-GCT
Copy a image with scale and filtering - vkCmdBlitImage - PS-xO-Gxx
Turn a multisample image into a non-multisample image - vkCmdResolveImage - PS-xO-Gxx
Dispatch compute work items - vkCmdDispatch - PS-xO-xCx
Dispatch compute work items using indirect parameters - vkCmdDispatchIndirect - PS-xO-xCx
Fill a buffer with a fixed value - vkCmdFillBuffer - PS-xO-GCx
Update a buffer with data from host memory - vkCmdUpdateBuffer - PS-xO-GCT