Frame Breakdown
With graphic debuggers such as RenderDoc, NVidia NSight and Intel GPA it possible to have a look at how some games render a frame. Using that and some educated guesses it is possible to get a good idea how a games rendering system work. I call it a Frame Breakdown and here i list some that i know about.
2022 - Elden Ring - Behind the Pretty Frames: Elden Ring
2020 - Cyberpunk 2077 - Rendering analysis - Cyberpunk 2077, Hallucinations re: the rendering of Cyberpunk 2077
2020 - Doom Eternal - DOOM Eternal - Graphics Study
2020 - Mafia: Definitive Edition - The Rendering of Mafia: Definitive Edition
2019 - Control - Frame Analysis - Control
2019 - Death Stranding - Behind the Pretty Frames: Death Stranding
2019 - A Plague Tale: Innocence - Dissecting A Plague Tale: Innocence
2019 - Metro Exodus - Metro Exodus Frame Breakdown, Observations about the rendering of Metro: Exodus, More observations in Metro: Exodus
2019 - Mortal Kombat 11 -
2019 - Resident Evil 2 - Resident Evil 2 Frame Breakdown, Behind the Pretty Frames: Resident Evil
2019 - Minecraft RTX - Minecraft RTX
2018 - Red Dead Redemption 2 - Graphics Study: Red Dead Redemption 2
2018 - DCS - Digital combat simulator: frame analysis
2018 - Ni No Kuni 2 - Ni No Kuni 2: frame analysis
2018 - God of War - Behind the Pretty Frames: God of War
2018 - Jurassic World Evolution - The Rendering of Jurassic World: Evolution
2018 - Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Under the hood of Shadow of the Tomb Raider
2016 - Overwatch - Frame Analysis - Overwatch
2016 - Doom - DOOM (2016) - Graphics Study
2016 - Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
2016 - The Witness - The Witness: frame analysis
2015 - Batman: Arkham Knight - Unmasking the Arkham Knight
2015 - Metal Gear Solid V - Metal Gear Solid V - Graphics Study
2015 - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - The rendering of The Witcher 3
2015 - Rise of the Tomb Raider - The Rendering of Rise of the Tomb Raider
2014 - Alien Isolation - Inside "Alien: Isolation" - Graphics
2014 - Shadow of Mordor - The Rendering of Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
2013 - GTA 5 - GTA V - Graphics Study
2011 - Batman: Arkham City - [Breakdown] Batman : Arkham City
2011 - Deus Ex - Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Graphics Study
2010 - Castlevania - The Rendering of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
2009 - Assassin's Creed 2 - [Breakdown] Assassin's Creed II
2007 - Supreme Commander - Supreme Commander - Graphics Study
2005 - Shadow of the Colossus - [Breakdown] Shadow of the Colossus (PAL - PS2)