I hate it. Always.
One does not need to be good at Mathematics to learn game development. It helps to know some things but you learn it when you need it. The basic things that is used the most is trigonometry and linear algebra with vector and matrix operations.
Linear algebra
Essence of linear algebra - 2016
immersive linear algebra - 2015
Scalar variables will use lowercase letters in italics: a, b, x, y.
Vector variables of any dimension will use lowercase bold letters. a,b,u,v.
Matrix variables will use uppercase letters in bold: A,B,M,R.
Angles are given by lowercase Greek letters. α, β, θ, λ.
Fast, Constant Time Sphere Indexing - 2019 : Part 1 and Part 2
Picking points on the hemisphere with a cosine density - 2019
Camera Rays - 2019
2D Signed Distance Field Basics - 2018
Spherical Gaussian Encoding - 2018
Monte Carlo Integration - 2018
Basic Math for Shaders - 2018
Math Library Experiences - 2019
The Map of Mathematics - 2017
How To Write A Maths Library In 2016 - 2016
Three Methods to Extract Frustum Points - 2016
Game Math Case Studies - 2015
Distant Spherical Area Light Sources - 2015
SIMD – Matrix3x3 Transpose - 2015
math-as-code - 2015
Slides: Mathematics for Gamedev - 2014
Interactive Introduction to Noise Functions - 2013
reed-util (math) - 2013
On Vector Math Libraries - 2013
Data-Oriented Design for Math - 2012
Essential Math for Games Programmers
Math for Game Programmers: Inverse Kinematics Revisited - 2015
Math for game programmers: Interaction with 3d geometry - 2013
Math for Game Programmers - 2013
Three Normal Mapping Techniques Explained For the Mathematically Uninclined - 2013
Linear algebra for game developers - One and Two - 2009
Interpolation Tricks - 2009
Mathematical Growing Pains - 2002
Vector maths – a primer for games programmers
Linear algebra for game developers ~ part 1
Jorge Rodriguez - Math and video games
Math for Game Programmers: Understanding Homogeneous Coordinates
Generating random points in a sphere
Normals and the Inverse Transpose, Part 3: Grassmann On Duals
Game Math: Deriving the Slerp Formula
Why Clip Transformed Vertices in Clip-Space?
hacking a generic ray-triangle intersector
A Fun 2d Rotation Matrix Derivation
Matrices for Tech Artists, non Affine Transformations
Matrices for Tech Artists, a Cheat Sheet
Dot product and its relationship to matrices
Topics in Quantization for Games
Intersection of a ray and a plane - 2020
Efficiency Tips on Switching Spaces and Transformation Matrices in Unity
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development
[video] How to think about 3D rotations
Creative Use of GPU Fixed-Function Hardware