It once took me 82 jumps off a cliff to find a bug in Bionic Commando.
Quality Assurance is when testers verify that the games works like it supposed to by doing the same thing over and over again until they almost go insane. To make sure they find all the bugs the QA team needs to follow a solid Test Plan. If something does not work it is reported as a bug. A bug needs to have the following basic details.
Name: Short description of the bug.
ID: Unique id of the bug. Assigned by the bug-tracking system.
Description: Describe what the problem was and what should have happened if it had worked.
Steps to reproduce: What to do to get this bug again.
Besides the one above bugs also have Severity that goes from A to D and Priority that goes from Low to High.
A: Critical. The game crash or something that stops the progression in the game.
B: Major. Makes the game close to unplayable.
C: Minor. Can be ignored while playing but is noticeable.
D: Cosmetic. Minor detail, a texture that is wrong or a misplaced object.
How important the bug is to fix at the moment. The C bug might be more important then a A bug if the C bug stalls the development pipeline for a large part of the development team.
When a bug is Resolved it goes back to Q.A. The common ways for it to be resolved is as follows.
Fixed:Something has been done that should have solved the bug. Q.A try to reproduce it make sure it works.
Will not fix: The bug will not be fixed for some reason.
Can Not Reproduce: The person assigned to fix the bug can't make the problem happen.
Works as designed: The bug is not a bug at all but it works like it supposed to.
Feedback: More details about the bug is needed, like what is supposed to happen.