All work and no play makes Vim a dull boy
How to get started making games
To get started one needs some software and here i list the ones to start with. There are some basic software that is often needed no matter what role one has on the development team.
Text editor. Editing text files are common so get Sublime.
Version control system. Always good to keep track of version even if working alone. Tortoisehg.
Art 2D: Adobe Photoshop can be used for a monthly cost.
Art 3D: Maya LT is can be used for a monthly cost.
Get the Visual Studio Community. It lets you work in C++ and C# so works for Unity/Unreal.
You will write so get LibreOffice.
How to find a job making games
Getting a job in the games industry. Part 1 & Part 2. - 2016
Game Career Guide - 2015
GameDev Map - Map of game developers, publishers and others in the whole world.
Spelutvecklarambulansen - Facebook group for game jobs in Sweden
Gameform - Game jobs in north europe
What online presence can help me get a game job?
This is the order of importance for your websites. They will look at your Portfolio first and if they like it the will check if they are connected to you on LinkedIn.
Your Portfolio
Online Repository
Your ability to produce short one-liners below 140 characters is not important to make games. The only way where your twitter skill is a bonus is if you are trying to get a job in marketing. If you use twitter or any other social media make sure that you are nice on it and you do not say stupid things. Why would anyone hire someone that behave like an halfwit in a public forum?
How to get fired when making games
Most game companies has as much stability as a house of cards so you will get fired. Even if you are working for the largest publisher with oceans of money you will get downsized and fired. It will happen and instead of worrying about it you should prepare for it. Here is a list of things to keep your life raft ready when the ship at daytime slams into into the only iceberg in the ocean.
Add people you enjoy working with to LinkedIn. Best way to get a job is a reference.
Keep a stash of money for your time as unemployed. If possible make sure you qualify for unemployment benefits.
Always keep your portfolio and LinkedIn updated.
When a game is in development take time once every third month to capture images, movies and whatever else you need for your portfolio. When a game is complete (or/and you get fired...) update your portfolio directly.
GDC 2019 Presentation Links
Angelo Pesce - Rendering the Metaverse across Space and Time
Cameras and Lenses
Rendering Astronomic Stars
Summer Fun with Creation Graphs